BIT Multimedia Art Newspaper

Kinonauts' issue
multimedia art newspaper Kinønauts

I created a multimedia art news paper to explain who the Kinonauts are and what they do and implemented the newspaper with augmented reality.

The leitmotif of the artist’s book is the aptang. Phono / Symbol derived from the Kinonauts logo, a duo of video artists, and an abstract representation of the camera lens. On each page there will always be a circle in the same spot that reminds you of the lens used for the Time to Say Goodbye video / project. This symbol, which divides the circle into two identical parts, also represents the duality inherent in the duo of the Kinonauts themselves.

Within the layout there will be brief biographies of the Kinonauts, an interview and the texts relating to each project presented. The artist’s book will be enriched with both illustrations that refer to the concept ofthe Kinonauts brand, and with photographic images with some frames of the videos presented, which can subsequently be enriched through augmented reality.

One of the favorite parts of this project was creating the illustrations. The two artists didn’t want to be photographed so I turned to illustration. I depicted them as two astronauts, referring to their name, and each illustration of the projects has details that refer to the places where the video in question was shot. In the initial infographic their projects are represented as planets under which there are indications of the year and duration of the video.
Each planet is connected with an airplan to the places in the world where it was filmed.


Within the layout there will be brief biographies of the Kinonauts, an interview and the texts relating to each project presented. The artist’s book will be enriched with both illustrations that refer to the concept of the Kinonauts brand, and with photographic images with some frames of the videos presented, which can subsequently be enriched through augmented reality.


During the IED Art Night 2019 the four newapapers were presented to the public through an interactive installation in which people could physically browse the newspapers and see the augmented reality contents projected on the wall. The installation was created with the 4V program that by connecting a video camera allows you to open the augmented reality only when the camera focuses exactly on the marker that activates it.